Season 3, Episode 10

In today’s podcast we discuss the fact that Jeremiah is consistently delivering the message given him by the Lord, that Jerusalem was about to fall. It did not make him very popular. It’s a message that is discouraging to the warriors that are charged to protect the city. Jeremiah’s message gives further weight to the charge that he is a traitor ready to desert to the Babylonians and he is urging everyone to surrender to the Babylonians. These are treasonous words to those who still believed that Yahweh would deliver the people and the city. Jeremiah’s nightmare now gets worse. He is thrown into a cistern to die.

Join pastors Kirk Sexton and Bruce Johnson as we discuss the context, historical setting, and archeological nature of a cistern in Jeremiah’s day.


Season 4, Episode 1


Season 3, Episode 9