We have two exciting kids camps this summer!

Welcome to
Jr. Fun & Arts Camp!
June 10-14, 2024
8:30 am-12 pm

Jr. Fun & Arts Camp is open to kids ages 3 (potty trained) - completed 5th graders. The cost is $75/camper. JFA is nearing capacity, so please email sharonh@mtviewpres.org in order to add your campers to our waitlist. Please include in your email: Name, Grade, Age, Gender, Allergies

JFA is a time to try new skills, get a little messy, and enjoy time with friends.  This is a lighthearted exploration of different art forms.  In the past we’ve offered drama, cheerleading, dance, origami, crafting, cooking, cake decorating, singing, cartooning, and many more classes.  Options change from year to year!

Welcome to
Vacation Bible School!
June 24-28, 2024

We are so excited for Vacation Bible School this year! Join us for crafts, science, Bible stories, singing, snacks, and games!

Vacation Bible School (VBS) is open to kids ages 4- completed 5th graders. The cost is $50/child.

Thank you for helping provide snacks to our VBS Volunteers! They appreciate it more than you know! All items can be brought to the church office the week before VBS or to the Narthex on the day specified. VBS is June 24-28th and begins at 8:30 am each day. If you could drop off your items before 8:00 am, that would be greatly appreciated.