Season 3, Episode 5

Any good preacher or prophet worth his salt wants to be heard and taken seriously. Jeremiah is no different. He desperately wants his people to listen to him, to take what he says seriously, to learn from God and thus be spared the pain of judgment and a life lived in exile.

Jeremiah undoubtedly feels damned if he does and damned if he doesn't when it comes to delivering God's message (vv. 8-9). If he delivers the message, he only brings more pain and suffering upon himself. If he doesn't deliver the message, he risks paying an even bigger price at the hands of God. Instead of turning away from God and further isolating himself, as we might do in similar circumstances, Jeremiah engages God in a prayer of lament.

Join Pastors Kirk Sexton and Bruce Johnson as we discuss Jeremiah Chapter 20 and how we as Christians can restore the lost art of lament and discover the power of honest wrestling with the questions that come with grief and suffering.


Season 3, Episode 6


Season 3, Episode 4